Witness Education & Personal Preparation Team
The mission of WEPP is to equip the saints of St. Luke’s for the Ministry of Witness through providing growth opportunities
such as Prayer, Study Groups, Bible Studies, and Witness Workshops.
Bible Book Reading for June 2021: Book of Acts
Introduction to the Book of Acts
Week 1 Reading Chapters 1-5
Week 2 Reading Chapters 6-11
Week 3 Reading Chapters 12-17
Week 4 Reading Chapters 18-23
Week 5 Reading Chapters 24-28
Bible Book Reading for May 2021: Book of Mark
Introduction to the Book of Mark
Week 1 Reading Chapters 1-4
Week 2 Reading Chapters 5-8
Week 3 Reading Chapters 9-12
Week 4 Reading Chapters 13-16
Bible Book Reading for April 2021: Book of Amos
Introduction to the Book of Amos
Week 1 Reading Chapters 1-2
Week 2 Reading Chapters 3-6
Week 3 Reading Chapters 6-7
Week 4 Reading Chapters 8-9
Bible Book Reading for March 2021: Book of Daniel
Introduction and Week 1 Reading Chapters 1-3
Week 2 Reading Chapters 4-6
Week 3 Reading Chapters 7-9
Week 4 Reading Chapters 10-12